Studio Eighty Eight

Brand Creator


In the world of branding, there’s no room for mixed signals. The foundation of your brand starts with your name, logo, and tagline, but gets extended to every interaction a patient or customer has with you.

These exercises will help us create and tell a compelling story about your business.

A few Rules

  1. There are no wrong answers. This is not a test!
  2. Go with your first impression. Don’t worry about what sounds right or exactly how to say it. Just be honest and get your thoughts down on paper.
  3. Keep it moving. If you get stumped on a question, jump ahead to the next exercise and come back later.
  4. Have fun!

Responses Saved Automatically

If you can't finish the Brand Creator in one session, no worries – we'll save your responses as you type. Your data will be associated with your email address. Please enter it below to save and restore your work.

Your Information

Please tell us a little about you and your practice.

Start With Why

“People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it. And what you do simply proves what you believe” – SIMON SINEK

Great brands are built from the inside out. Most organizations focus on what they do more than why they do it. There will always be other businesses that do what you do, but the reason you exist should be unique and resonate with your audience.

To help us find your Why, answer the following questions:


It’s easy to talk about your brand from your perspective, but what about from others’ perspective? What do you tell them? What if it’s a 30 second conversation on an elevator? What if it’s over dinner with someone who’s really interested?

How do you unpack the layers of your story?



What do you see in the next few years? What would you like to accomplish?


List 10 words that you would love to overhear someone use to describe your practice.


Now, if you had to narrow it down to just four words you want to be known for, what would they be, and why are they important to your practice story?

Value 1

Value 2

Value 3

Value 4


Even if you don’t have a competitive outlook, what you think about other dental practices can help inform what you want in your own.

Brand Promise

Your brand is more than your logo or website. Your brand is the emotional connection you create with your audience.

a promise is SIMPLE

This is not the same thing as your WHAT or WHY. This is you speaking directly to your audience. In the most simple way possible, what do you want to PROMISE them?

a promise is CREDIBLE

The PROMISE must be believable and match the customer experience.

a promise is MEMORABLE

Your PROMISE should impact every decision and should be visible inside and outside the organization.

a promise is INSPIRING

Your PROMISE should motivate your team and customers.


“Low fares. Nothing to hide.” – SOUTHWEST AIRLINES

“To create a better everyday life for the many people.” – IKEA

“15 minutes or less could save you 15% or more on car insurance.” – GEICO

What's Your Story

Connecting with your audience is a bit like telling a story. Humans connect with characters and plot, conflict and resolution. These questions help us get to know the WHO behind the WHAT so we can tell a story that connects.


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