What we believe drives what we do.

We love to meet and serve our clients. It’s more than a job. it’s our mission, our lifestyle, and our purpose in the world.

We believe dentistry is beautiful.

We saw that traditional marketing wasn't capturing the real beauty of dentistry, a service-based industry of people serving people, and we wanted to change that.

Three dental professionals in black scrubs sitting and smiling on a white sofa in a bright room.

Meet The Team

Carl Blunt

Carl Blunt

Lead Copywriter

Carl Blunt

Lead Copywriter

After reading everybody else’s bio, Carl realized he’s not as funny or cool as the rest of the team (maybe his kids have been right all along). It’s a good thing his bio is first. 

He values his top five books above any amount of money you could pay him, binge watches The Dick Van Dyke show to unwind (he says it’s “old school”) and when asked about pizza, orders, “Anything with meat.  I’m a Meatatarian.”

Josh Brown

Josh Brown

Senior Account Manager

Josh Brown

Senior Account Manager

Often described as “sassy” and “a handful,” Josh Brown is really just a big kid who wants to cuddle with Cleopatra (his cat), eat more Twizzlers, and collect every color bouncy ball from the pediatric dentist’s treasure box. Known around the office for his antics and honesty, Josh devotes many hours to making work more fun for everyone, and many more to answering emails and managing projects while drinking expensive coffee.

Roma Brown

Roma Brown

SEO Strategist

Roma Brown

SEO Strategist

Nothing thrills Roma more than talking to people, and boy is he good at it. The trick, he says, is to never be too certain about your own beliefs! Originally from Ukraine, Roma loves the idea of different people with diverse social and religious backgrounds coming together to share a basket of ripe mangoes.

Roma seems to possess a bottomless resource of positive energy. This may be credit to his daily habit of cloud-watching, which he finds emotionally grounding. Or it could be the joy he finds in 3D printing (an art form and incredibly useful technology!), sculpture, metal casting, and chandeliers.

Liz Hafner

Liz Hafner

Account Manager

Liz Hafner

Account Manager

Inspired by her daughter and the elementary students she once taught, Liz retains a sense of childlike delight in the things she loves the most: running to the fresh foods market, thrift store threads, crafting with baby Rooney, sunshine, and a lil’ snack.

When asked what she would promote if she was given a giant billboard, Liz said, “Right outside my house I would love to have a billboard of Jack Black standing in front of an American flag with the words 'I pledge allegiance…to the band...of Mr. Schneebly...' (iykyk, and if you don’t click here). We salute you and your kind & goofy self, Liz!

Drew Hawley

Drew Hawley

Senior Video Producer

Drew Hawley

Senior Video Producer

Self-described as a huge movie nerd, which is what drew him to videography (see what we did there?), Drew’s favorite way to relax is going to the movies and writing reviews on Letterbox. If Drew invented a holiday it would involve a movie marathon extravaganza with themed snacks (costumes required).

But there’s more to Drew than movies. He loves morning walks with his bulldog, Gus, and played college rugby in Athens, OH, which holds a special place in his heart. He’s known around the office for his humor, compassion, sage advice (”eat the frog”), and easygoing attitude (”I’m just happy to be here”).

Joe Hohman

Joe Hohman

Owner & COO

Joe Hohman

Owner & COO

Joe’s perfect weekend involves pizza with as many toppings as permitted by state law (minus anchovies of course) and anything that J.J. Abrams directed. Except Cloverfield. #letdown.

He has famously coined the phrase, “Scallops are the marshmallows of the sea,” (you’re welcome) and unapologetically takes credit for most of the company’s success by interjecting, “I’ve been saying that for years,” into random conversations. 

Amy Hohman

Amy Hohman

Finance Administrator

Amy Hohman

Finance Administrator

We can all agree that there are few people more deserving of a dream getaway than Amy. Get her near a warm body of water, like the coasts of Fiji or the Greek Isles, and she will be happily spending as much time as possible splashing in the clear turquoise waves, or just watching them fall on the shore. Ahhh... we feel relaxed just thinking about it.

If she has to settle for a staycation, Amy would still prefer to be outside in the healing arms of nature, hiking on a warm sunny day. Or, when the weather isn't so nice, she wants to be wrapped in her favorite blanket with a cup of hot chocolate, reading a good murder-mystery on her beloved Kindle. Amy clearly knows what's good, so we asked her what she's learned over the past ten years. She said: Life has taught me that I absolutely do not have control of anything except my response to the chaotic, messy, often beautiful but occasionally sour situations that present themselves. I now try to focus less on controlling and more on adapting and growing. Words of wisdom for us all!

Juan Infante

Juan Infante

Web Developer

Juan Infante

Web Developer

Juan's ideal Friday night involves a pepperoni and sausage pizza (extra cheese, light on sauce) and binge-watching Hunter x Hunter with friends. He loves Japanese culture, and told us specifically he'd love to visit Tokyo one day.

On the list of "one-day" dreams, Juan also told us he'd love to give a TED Talk on the number one reason CSS is taught incorrectly. He's definitely proven to be a "big ideas" kinda guy around the office and can often be found talking about anything from how technology is making the world a better place, to his recent lottery-number dreams (you'll have to ask him about that one), to even therapy and Udemy courses he's taking. When we asked him if he could be quoted for anything, what would it be, he said, "to be helped you need to help yourself first." Boom.

Tyler Keller

Tyler Keller

Video Production Director

Tyler Keller

Video Production Director

Tyler said his friends would describe him as, “Something like Lawn Dad.” Tyler doesn’t actually have children, but he does have a lawn that he nurtures with tender care and a house that puts all his DIY skills to the test. His most-quoted phrase is, “I wish I could go, but I have a lawn to mow.”

Tyler’s love of grass extends beyond his backyard to one of his favorite places: the Scottish highlands. He imagines that in a past life he lived there, maybe working as a blacksmith or playing bagpipes by a peaceful lake. In real life, Tyler’s tasks as a videographer are very different and interspersed with way too many ounces of coffee.

Ariel Kuhn

Ariel Kuhn

Senior Account Manager

Ariel Kuhn

Senior Account Manager

Ariel loved growing up in the nineties. The plaid. The sitcoms. All of it. As a kid she hunted for fossils at the beach and regularly fell asleep reading Nancy Drew mysteries. To this day she’ll revisit her favorite teen dramas and can’t get through her email inbox without dance breaks to Disney hits.

Between trying not to cry while helping with homework and baking gooey chocolate chip cookies, life with her own two daughters is always a little sassy and a little sweet. Ariel is also a photographer who turns simple moments into beautiful memories. Ideally, with a grainy nineties vibe.

Alexis Kush

Alexis Kush


Alexis Kush


Purchasing her first camera at a young age completely changed the trajectory of Alexis’ life, and so did the addition of hot honey drizzle on a pepperoni pizza (well… maybe one thing more than the other). The little girl with a cheap Kodak and a dream became an expert professional photographer who loves to try new things like making stained glass pieces, kayaking, and traveling to Thailand to meet elephants and eat amazing food. She also has a love for old, or should we say second-hand, treasures found at thrift stores.

Jake Lawson

Jake Lawson

Video Producer

Jake Lawson

Video Producer

Jake's wanderlust would take him to many places, but when we asked if there was a place, in particular, he'd love to visit one day, he said he'd love to go to Honshu, Japan for the incredible skiing and snowboarding. While not daydreaming of future travels, he'd spend any given free hour with his "rollerskates on, earbuds in, and brain off." That still might count as daydreaming, but we're not judging.

As far as how he'd prefer to spend a Friday night, Jake said it would involve binge-playing video games, chatting with friends on a Discord call, and enjoying a pepperoni, sausage, and banana peppers pizza (with a shot of Pepto-Bismol). He joins the growing group of musicians in the office, stating that one of the purchases that has impacted him the most is the addition of his Casio SA-46 Portable Synth Piano.

If he could be famously quoted for anything, without hesitation he said, "Hi, I'm Tony Bologna, and this is my cousin, Tommy Salami." We don't know what it means, but we're hoping someone reading this might. Let us know.

Constance Leeson

Constance Leeson

Account Manager

Constance Leeson

Account Manager

This self-described hopeless romantic dreams of revisiting the stunning seaside views of Nice, France. We have to wonder if this Mediterranean locale is where Constance developed her taste for anchovies. She savors eating them straight out of the can or, you guessed it, on pizza – the controversy!

A woman confident in her hot takes and personal taste (hey, Barbie!), Constance added that her other favorite pizza toppings are pineapple and jalapeño. While we may have lifted an eyebrow at similar pizza preferences in the past, hearing this from Constance just leaves us feeling a little unrefined with our slices of pepperoni and cheese. Maybe we’re being influenced.

Given a free hour, you might find Constance at a yoga class, binge watching Survivor (“It’s so fun… There’s a reason it’s been on for 46 seasons!”), or feeling random bursts of pure joy and trying to bottle them. We can only hope she shares that secret with us when she discovers it!

Caroline Lohrey

Caroline Lohrey

Account Management Director

Caroline Lohrey

Account Management Director

The one-and-only Caroline is known for both her quirks and sense of calm in a storm (and her pet pig, Fred). “It’s not that serious,” is a typical response you’ll hear when asking for Caroline’s input on pesky little problems that can feel earth-shattering (and we love her for it).

Caroline magically balances her innate extroversion, silliness, and positivity with practiced wisdom and discipline, and always seeks to learn more about her inner self. And whether she’s working out or winding down, you can bet she’s doing it fueled by Yerba Mate and Nerds Gummy Clusters.

Caleb Long

Caleb Long

Video Producer

Caleb Long

Video Producer

If Studio 8E8 had a Finer Things Club, Caleb would be its president. He likes to start his day with a hearty breakfast, whether he’s getting ready for a day of travel, filming, or editing videos. His friends describe Caleb as amicable, authentic, and refined (we couldn’t agree more), and can count on him to arrive at the party with cheese, crackers, and a bottle of wine like a gentleman. To end his day, he prefers a nightly stroll and spending some time practicing movie scores on the piano (his speciality is Interstellar).

Janet Loos

Janet Loos

Art Director

Janet Loos

Art Director

Janet has one eye on the future and one eye on the earth at all times. An avid forager, when she’s not creating cutting-edge web designs or watching obscure sci-fi shows, she’s scouring her property for pheasant’s back, garlic mustard, ginseng, and more. (If you don’t know what these words mean, it’s because Janet is a million steps ahead of you.)

If Janet was asked to give a TED talk, she would teach everyone about Creative Sustainability, which would almost certainly include plugs for both foraging and Entomophagy. In fact, “Entomophagy is the future” is her answer to most questions. But don’t worry, she still enjoys her pizza with toppings like cheese and green olives (it’s a phase), and would travel thousands of miles for the best Argentine food.

Brandon Martin

Brandon Martin


Brandon Martin


Brandon’s ideal vacation would be spent on the coasts of Hawaii, dining on local food al fresco. We love that for him. The weather, the landscapes, all of it speaks to his love of beauty as a designer.

With interests in a variety of sports, Brandon may or may not be preparing a TED Talk about the impact of color blindness on athletics. He can also be found outside on the weekends, getting a run in or practicing his swing at the driving range. By night you might find him hanging out with friends, watching football or playing video games (we’re guessing Madden). Of course they’d be splitting a huge prosciutto, burrata, and balsamic pizza, and we hope we’re invited because that sounds amazing.

Carly McGowan

Carly McGowan

Digital Marketing Specialist

Carly McGowan

Digital Marketing Specialist

This wife, mother, and chicken-wrangling, bread-baking homesteader has plenty to occupy her time, but when she takes a break from responsibilities you can find her delighting in a novel or a walk in the woods (or a well-deserved nap 😉). Somehow Carly always seems to balance accomplishing as much as possible with the slow pace of gardening, uncovering rare thrifted treasures, and other hobbies like photography, writing, and watching sitcom re-runs.

A fascinating fact about Carly (and brains!) is that she experiences Deja Vu more than the average person and can fall into lucid dreaming rather easily. We suspect those dreams are filled with her favorite things, like thick-crust pizza with pepperoni, sausage, and banana peppers.

Erica Minella

Erica Minella

Senior sales Strategist

Erica Minella

Senior sales Strategist

When Erica needs an escape from the grind of work, motherhood, or just daily life, she dons her softest pjs, orders a pizza (pepperoni, onions, and green peppers) and watches uninterrupted television. She knows it’s the little things that make a great R+R sesh. There’s nothing like watching the drama of reality TV unfold from the comfort of your own couch, cheese dangling from the edge of a saucy slice of pie.

Lest you think Erica a complete homebody, she would have you know that she loves to travel, and has a long list of places to visit. At the top of it is Thailand: with its breathtaking scenery, the best beaches in the world, and scrumptious street food, we get the draw and just might hop into her suitcase.

Anya Nelson

Anya Nelson


Anya Nelson


If Anya could travel anywhere, she’d be in search of her favorite foods: amazing seafood and next-level pasta. She dreams of a world with an underground rapid train system that would allow her to get from city to city the fastest way possible. Imagine: the Pacific Northwest for breakfast, Italy for lunch, and back home to Columbus for dinner. What a delicious future!

In the past, Anya tuned out adults who told her a creative career wasn’t worth pursuing. Now a full-time designer who’s both creative and successful, Anya is so glad she didn’t take their advice. Her advice to you? Get Spotify Premium: ads-free music streaming is a game-changer. (This bio is not sponsored.)

Jake Olson

Jake Olson

Digital Ads Strategist + Photographer

Jake Olson

Digital Ads Strategist + Photographer

For Jake, there is almost nothing better than the perfect pizza margherita. He describes the ingredients for this seemingly-simple pie with mouth-watering flair: wood-fired Neapolitan crust, a few hand-picked basil leaves, extra-thin tomato slices. We’re not drooling, you are.

Speaking of food, Jake eats most of his out of a cast-iron skillet, an $8 purchase that changed his life. Food is clearly a love of Jake’s, but if you’re a maple syrup enthusiast, maybe don’t ask him about his strong feelings for the sticky pancake topping. (They are in the negative.)

Despite his bizarre distaste for syrup, Jake gives great advice fit for the 21st century: “Print your photos, people!” With most of our images online these days, he says we’re a couple misplaced-passwords away from losing large chunks of our history. Hey, we’re a digital company but we’re listening.

Hanna Osterwyk

Hanna Osterwyk

Senior Account Manager

Hanna Osterwyk

Senior Account Manager

A gal with many hobbies, it's not hard for Hanna to find something to fill her free time. At the end of a weekend she'll be speckled with oil paint, reading a book, and stuffed with whatever Mediterranean dish she tried to execute.

Around the office, Hanna strikes a unique balance of bubbly and philosophical energy that tends to be contagious, and says if she could be quoted for anything it would be, "It's a big deal to be alive." Hanna's known to do her best work at the library or in a coffee shop, but loves work-at-home days with her golden retriever, Sammy, glued to her side.

Liz Pound

Liz Pound

Marketing Integrator / Photographer

Liz Pound

Marketing Integrator / Photographer

The beauty of a cheese pull, the flavor of a beet, street food at a night market in Cambodia… Liz is a downright foodie who can paint a tasty picture. With a free hour (and no lack of cash) she would love to wander the aisles of Whole Foods uninterrupted, filling her cart with the most eye-catching foods and beverages. For Liz, the combination of deliciousness, trying new things, and good marketing is a 10/10.

In stark contrast to her bubbliness and bright sense of style around the office, disastrous accidents, conspiracy theories (the moon landing? Question mark?), and true crime documentaries hold her attention during late-night TV binges. (She has assured us that there’s no need to be concerned. 😅)

David Powers

David Powers


David Powers


When not working on photography projects, playing music, or schooling us on why soup isn't real food (he really said that), David's ideal Friday night would include getting a drink with friends or sharing a Neapolitan pizza with bae. Yes, he understands the term "bae" is over. We like that he used it ironically, anyway.

If David could go anywhere in the world, he'd go to Japan. Or Australia...or Spain...or Scotland. The list goes on for a while. Let's just say, David is a travel enthusiast. He's also an enthusiast of topics like sociology, personal growth, and all things optimism. (Oh, and memes, he loves memes.) In fact, when we asked him what his TED talk would be about if he ever got the chance to give one, it would be about building strong relationships and a strong community. He also told us his favorite quote is from Anne Frank: "Whoever is happy will make others happy, too". However, if he could be quoted for anything himself, it would be: "Life is too short to drink bad whiskey and to take poor advice". Mic drop.

Justynne Pride

Justynne Pride

Social Media Manager

Justynne Pride

Social Media Manager

Justynne Mother-of-Dragons Pride is a fan of film, TV (when the writing excels), and true crime documentaries – especially ones she can binge with friends and her cat, Tyrion Lannister (no spiders invited).

She loves interior design and could easily spend an hour in Home Goods or Hobby Lobby searching for a new, unique piece to put on display. She is indiscriminate about her favorite food, mac & cheese, which she enjoys just as much from a box as her grandma’s homemade recipe. Most importantly, Justynne has an infectiously fun personality that she loves to integrate into our social media content. Ten points to Ravenclaw!

Alexis Quintuña

Alexis Quintuña

Web Developer

Alexis Quintuña

Web Developer

Alexis is... how do I say this?… a Good Human (TM). His TED talk would be about the importance of basic human decency, and he always has an aspirational quote in his back pocket. Some of his favorites: Treat others the way you want to be treated, Love others because tomorrow is never promised, Don’t give up – tomorrow might be the day you win, and “Put some chicken and bacon on that pizza!”

Alexis would spend a small amount of free time cloud-gazing with his adored feline, Pebbles, and a large amount of free time visiting Tokyo to look at custom JDM cars. With a mind for the fantastical, Alexis believes that mythical creatures live in unexplored parts of our world – which sounds less crazy if you’ve ever Googled the deep ocean.

Josh Ratcliffe

Josh Ratcliffe

Lead Designer

Josh Ratcliffe

Lead Designer

A creature of habit with a marvelous gift for efficiency, Ratcliffe bookends his days perfectly with a Coke in the morning and a Miller Lite at night. In between he designs websites, logos, and branded assets while somehow keeping tabs on everything else going on in the company.

Ratcliffe is also known for his tidbits of wisdom, such as, “Good decisions come from experience, and most experience comes from bad decisions.” His favorite place? The middle of nowhere. Favorite people? In their seventies. And his favorite font? “Proxima Nova: flexible, solid, and not too fancy.”

Heide Rembold

Heide Rembold

Social Media Strategist

Heide Rembold

Social Media Strategist

Heide prefers a balanced life spent both inside and outside her comfort zone. While she loves to spend a day drinking coffee on a patio, therapeutic journaling, and making homemade mac & cheese, she can also easily envision herself jumping out of planes like a sort of rogue action hero. Heide spends lots of time in her imagination and finds a creative outlet in writing. She’s the published author of a children’s book called The ABCs of Homesteading for Kids, inspired by her cultivated life gardening, baking, and going on nature walks with her children. We are eagerly awaiting the sequel, The 123s of Plane Jumping for Millennials. 😉

Jeff Richardson

Jeff Richardson

Photography Director

Jeff Richardson

Photography Director

As a kid, the dentist terrified Jeff. But since then, he’s built a career (and healed his inner child?) by creating EPIC production experiences and delivering photos that push the boundaries of what’s expected in dentistry… and making dentists feel amazing and glamorous. “Take care of the work, and the work takes care of you,” he says, and Jeff has learned to deal with the hard stuff first to make more room for creativity, enjoyment, and service to others.

Jeff’s best day ever would be a cool evening on the porch, enjoying great conversations with friends or colleagues. He'll bring the cigars.

Joanna Scott

Joanna Scott

Business Development Director

Joanna Scott

Business Development Director

On a Friday night, Joanna can be found watching her favorite movie, World War Z with Brad Pitt. Within one minute of watching, she fell in love…not with Pitt, just the blood. Her Friday night go-to is a Gluten-free pizza, no cheese, add as many veggies as possible and maybe pepperoni. She's perfected the art of holding a slice just right so toppings go into her mouth and not the floor (the challenges of that no-cheese life).

If you were to ever ask her for professional advice, she would lobby for women taking over the world. "In all seriousness, never let a man hire you just because he thinks you're 'hot.' Get hired for your brain and heart. Her prediction for the future is that within the next two elections we'll vote in the first female President of the United States. If this doesn’t happen, then she is moving somewhere a lady is in charge.  Overall, we think she's joking... maybe.

Joshua Scott

Joshua Scott

Owner & CEO

Joshua Scott

Owner & CEO

Every week Josh looks forward to Friday night when he orders a large Eagles pizza with pepperoni, bacon, sausage and banana peppers.  Then eats the entire thing. 2640 calories. It’s gross. He knows.

He is impatiently waiting for autonomous, electric cars so he doesn’t have to deal with lingering, left lane highway drivers (“It’s a passing lane!”).  He’ll never admit it (we’ve caught him a few times), but when his friends go golfing or skiing, he might act like he’s not feeling well and then book a spa appointment once they leave. 

Katie Siegel

Katie Siegel

Social Media Strategist

Katie Siegel

Social Media Strategist

If we gave Katie an hour of free time, she would call her mom, run errands, take a walk, and then reward her productivity by mindlessly scrolling TikTok the remainder of the time. Fair enough. We think she's got a thing for late 90's/early 2000's culture, particularly TV. She told us she'd definitely stay up all night (pepperoni and green pepper pizza in-hand) binge-watching any season of The Real World from that era, or any of the "vintage classic" MTV/VH1 reality TV shows. Need further proof? If Katie were to ever give a TED talk, she claims she would discuss why the Playstation 2 is the greatest console of all time. Ironically, she told us the worst advice she ever heard was "do it like it's always been done".

Oh, and if you think Katie has a familiar face, you're not alone. She told us she's lost count of how many random people have told her that she looks familiar - if you know who her doppelgänger is out there, hit us up.

Mike Sula

Mike Sula

Sales Director

Mike Sula

Sales Director

Mike loves to stay active and said if he had an available hour given to him, he would spend it getting in a CrossFit workout, or playing a round of disc golf. To unwind, though, he mentioned binging on The Office (US). He's actually watched the series about 5 times, which is either impressive or concerning depending on who you are. He didn't tell us what his favorite pizza is, so we'll try to forgive that and just move on.

The ultimate optimist, Mike loves to bring out the best in the people around him and make new friends in the process. He told us the worst advice he's ever received was, "Don't talk to strangers." He loves talking to strangers because strangers become friends. So if you see Mike talking to strangers, don't mind him, he's just making new friends. And, pro-tip: if you want to become instant best friends with Mike, tell him he resembles Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in any way. No, really.

Jenna Van Kley

Jenna Van Kley


Jenna Van Kley


Cozying up in a coffee shop corner with a cappuccino is Jenna’s picture-perfect day. Her dream is to one day travel through Asia on an extensive coffee and tea tour, befriending baristas and taking beautiful photos along the way.

In the past ten years, Jenna has gotten to experience more of the world and changed her perspective on humanity. “I’m convinced now that there are more beautiful, selfless people doing beautiful, selfless things on a daily basis than any of us realize.” If that doesn’t give you the warm fuzzies, we don’t know what would!

Warren Yates

Warren Yates

Web Developer

Warren Yates

Web Developer

A little slice of heaven for Warren would be walking down the streets of gold with a cup of hot caramel coffee. But while he’s on Earth, a local park will do. Warren loves the refreshing solitude of nature, but his creativity is sparked by being around others. On a weekend, you can catch him and his friends staying up too late binge watching Prison Break.

Speaking of a slice of heaven, Warren’s favorite pizza is the Sicilian from Bostons Pizza, but you’ll have to visit downtown Columbus to get it. You’re welcome any time!

Yitzchak Young

Yitzchak Young

SEO Strategist

Yitzchak Young

SEO Strategist

Yitzchak’s work with search engines goes perfectly with his inquisitive nature, and he loves getting lost in the labyrinthine stacks of an old book store. In a past life, Yitzchak thinks he may have been a stoic lighthouse keeper. He imagines his daily walks in a much more romantic setting, perhaps sand dunes and a rocky coastline under a gray sky. He would love listening to the stories of sailors coming ashore, almost as much as he loves to hear about his wife’s dreams every morning. Lore of this lighthouse keeper would include stories of string quartets playing around nightly bonfires, tree climbing, and a sleepy dog named Greta.

Two people, a man and a woman in business attire, are sitting on a sofa being filmed by a camera in a well-lit, modern living room, discussing dental marketing strategies.


We wanted to create authentic stories of dentists and their team serving their community, with real photography, and beautiful designs that represented the best version of themselves.

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