Digital Ad Campaigns

Photo of a dentist and pateint

Attract Your Ideal Patient

Successful digital ads do more than draw patients into your practice, they draw the right patients. By fully utilizing digital ad platform capabilities, and creating targeted messaging and imagery, you can be speaking directly to the patients you want.

Don't Be Overlooked

There is no shortage of ads on the internet. To grab someone's attention you need to be different. We create ads that stop swipes in their tracks with beautiful design, engaging photography and messages that hook a click.

Our Digital Ads Process

"As it turns out, most consumers don’t
hate all ads; they hate bad ads."

Carly Scarberry
Ad Specialist

Our Digital Ad Campaigns Include:

  • Brand Awareness Campaigns
  • Patient Conversion Campaigns
  • Personalized Copy & Imagery
  • Google Ads
  • Facebook Ads
  • Remarketing
  • Specialty Service Campaigns
  • Call Tracking
  • Analytics Reporting

Create A Follow-Up Strategy

Clicking on the ad is only the first step in the journey to becoming a new patient. We create marketing strategies that continue the message of the ad into the website, along with every engagement with your brand.

We'd love to help create a custom marketing plan
for your practice.

We Believe Your Story Is Worth It.

it's worth discovering what makes your mission special. it's worth telling through beautifully captivating words and images. It's worth sharing with the world.

we believe you're worth it.

Get Started
S8E8 Studio EightyEight
6650 E. Walnut St. Suite 88
New Albany, Ohio 43054
© 2020-2022

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