Dental Marketing For Surgical & Restorative Practices

Become the Leading Choice Specialty Practice

Take your place as a leader in the industry, to push forward clinical expertise and set the standard of care.

Set a Strong First Impression with Your Marketing

Don't put up a website that doesn't reflect the quality of your practice. Establish a digital presence that sets itself apart.

Create a Brand Colleagues and Patients Trust

Your branding, website, and digital ads establish who you are in the industry. Build a legacy of excellence that's authentic and true.

My website is a reflection of me and it’s a reflection of the practice. I wanted every part of it to be top-notch.

Dr. Isreal Puterman

The S8E8 Process™


Discover Your Story

As you engage our exclusive Studio 8E8 Brand Creator™, your unique mission shines through to help us craft an authentic BRAND that is exclusively you.


Tell Your Story

Through stunningly beautiful words and images, we help you attract new patients with an extraordinary STORYSITE (TM) that compels attention and connection.


Share Your Story

We enlist audience-specific strategies and online social channels to help you reach your entire community with DIGITAL ADS and SOCIAL POSTING that works.
Learn More

Download our Guide to Story-Driven Dental Marketing

We want to make it easy to implement STORY into your marketing, so we've provided a FREE 3 part guide to story-driven marketing.

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Guide to Story Driven Marketing

We Believe Your Story Is Worth It.

it's worth discovering what makes your mission special. it's worth telling through beautifully captivating words and images. It's worth sharing with the world.

we believe you're worth it.

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S8E8 Studio EightyEight
6650 E. Walnut St. Suite 88
New Albany, Ohio 43054
© 2020-2022

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