The following resources have been helpful to many of our clients. If someone is on this list it’s because (1) they have a great product or service and (2) they’re just good people that you can trust. Also, we don't make any money from these relationships - just thought you should know that up front.
Better marketing usually means more phone calls. Make sure your phones are getting answered and you’re not losing potential new patients to voicemail. CallForce uses a U.S. based team to capture your overflow and even handle reactivation. Reach out to owner Cory Pinegar at [email protected] to get more information. Let him know we sent you.
Anissa Holmes is the queen of Facebook and her course is super helpful in building your brand and establishing your strategy. The course is $997. Here’s the link: Delivering Wow Facebook Bootcamp
Michael Arias is the ground marketing authority. He “helps people find you.” His courses and programs teach you how to establish relationships with local businesses and create cross marketing opportunities. Reach out to him through his website at
LocalMed is the only real-time appointment platform on the market currently and everyone we know loves their service. Studio EightyEight clients should visit this link and use PROMO code STUDIO8E8 (or call LocalMed directly and mention Studio EightyEight). The service is normally $249/month + $990 set up fee, but Studio 8E8 clients get 55% off the set up fee ($446). Learn more here: LocalMed
Aaron Boone has built a great direct mail company that relies on digital analytics to effectively target ideal patients. If you are going to do direct mail, he’s the guy to talk to first. or [email protected].
We think Swell is the best platform out there right now to drive Google reviews to your practice. The service is about $150 a month but well worth it. Reach out to Drew Sparks at [email protected]. He’s the owner and an overall great guy. If you tell him we sent you, he’ll take good care of you.
We’re looking forward to hearing about your project. Please tell us which of the following best describes your practice:
No sweat. Drop us an email instead.