Going Undercover

Going Undercover

Social Media Strategist Replies to Dentists’ Online Questions

Written By:

Katie Siegel

Social Media Strategist
September 6, 2024

Going Undercover

Social Media Strategist Replies to Dentists’ Online Questions

Navigating the world of social media as a dentist simply ain’t easy. 😤

Between managing your practice, caring for patients, and trying to maintain a healthy work-life balance, dental social media marketing can feel like just one more thing on your already overflowing plate. And just like dentistry, it’s always changing and evolving, making it even harder to keep up!

So, it’s no surprise that many of you took to Reddit, Quora, and Dental Facebook Groups with thoughtful, insightful questions. And you’ve got a lot of them!

The good news? This social media strategist tackles questions from dentists on the daily so it was no sweat for me to scour these online forums, go undercover, and answer your most burning questions.

You ready to dive in? I sure am!

Let’s kick things off with…

Reddit: Is Social Media Marketing Essential for Building a Successful Practice?

20 years ago, the answer to this question was probably no. But today, social media is an indispensable part of any business’s marketing strategy.

If you think of all your digital marketing efforts as the limbs of your practice, and you’re just leaving social media out, you’re essentially restricting your growth and outreach potential. It works hand in hand with SEO and digital ads to create a more comprehensive, well-rounded approach to getting noticed online! Effective dental social media marketing makes your practice more discoverable — so why would you want to make your business smaller?

41% of people report that the content they find through social media impacts their choice of treatment center, including dental practices.”

In short, if you’re nowhere to be found on social media, it raises a red flag — not just for potential patients, but for new hires as well. Make no mistake, social media isn’t just a fun add-on anymore. It’s vital.

If the trendy dances aren’t your thing, that’s TOTALLY OKAY. I think a lot of dentists feel pressured to follow what’s worked for someone else, thinking they have to do the same to be successful.

But here’s the kicker — it worked for them because they genuinely enjoyed doing it!

That’s the key. Finding what you enjoy and running with it. If you’re more camera-shy and don’t want to show your face, there are plenty of other options!  Think Dental ASMR restocking, or vlog-style Reels with an added voiceover. You can show off your practice, your team, or a day in the life at your office — without ever needing to appear on screen.

There are endless ways to use social media as a dentist to connect with your audience in a way that feels right for you. If dancing isn’t one of them, it’s no biggie!

There’s definitely value in using Facebook/nook and Instagram (or Meta) ads! They can give your exposure a nice boost, helping you reach new audiences and build name recognition in your community over the long term. So, if you’re looking to keep your wonderful practice top of mind for potential patients who’ll need a dentist somewhere down the line — go for it!

However, if you’re looking for people who need a dentist RIGHT NOW, Google Ads might be a better bet. More on that here for ya, folks!

One thing to keep in mind, if you’re already running ads or boosting posts on Meta, make sure you’re keeping your social presence active and engaging! Don’t just run ads and let your page sit idle. That’s a big no-no.

If someone clicks on your ad and finds that your Page or account hasn’t been updated in years, it can really hurt the chances of someone actually taking action like heading to your website, or scheduling an appointment. Practicing effective social media for dentists means keeping your content fresh and your Page lively, which will help turn those clicks into actual patients!

Quora: Benefits of Social Media Marketing for Dentists? 

Welp! Obviously one of the biggest perks is reaching a wider audience, but what really sets it apart is the chance to build a community around your brand. How do you do that? Consistency and engagement, my friend.

By regularly interacting with your audience and sharing valuable content, you start to foster relationships with people before they even set foot in your office! And that, in turn, creates a sense of familiarity and trust with your practice.

So, you can understand that if potential patients feel more connected to you, they’re more likely to choose you over other competitors! Plus, happy and engaged patients are more likely to send some referrals your way.

It also offers a unique window into your practice and allows you to feature your personality, team culture, space, and your expertise in a way you can’t really do anywhere else!

Thoughtful dental social media marketing really sets you apart and highlights what makes your practice special!

It all truly depends on the demographic of patients you’re trying to reach! Baby Boomers, older adults, millennial moms, or maybe even younger patients?

If you want to cast a really wide net, Facebook is great! It’s still the most used social platform out there, and it’s ideal for targeting older age groups and parents. A big part of its user base is in the 35-54 and 65+ age ranges, so if that’s your crowd, you’re in the right place. Plus, Facebook’s ad targeting is super powerful, so you can easily hone in on exactly who you want to reach.

If you’re trying to connect with younger adults, millennials, or Gen Z, Instagram is where it’s at!  It’s also the number one platform for people to connect with brands on social media so it’s a prime spot to build yours! If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the changes on that platform, I get it. In fact, I wrote a whole other article that'll help you understand the different types of Instagram content.

And then there’s TikTok! Which is obviously dominated by Zoomers, but is actually growing fast with young adults. The algorithm on TikTok is almost like a slot machine. If you’ve ever used it, you know exactly what I mean. You could be scrolling and see the most random video ever with practically no engagement followed by a ton that seem tailor-made for you! What that means is that TikTok can get your practice in front of a much bigger audience, even if you don’t have a ton of followers yet. It’s a great way to connect with new patients who might not have found you on other platforms with less-forgiving algorithms!

Okay. This might sound weird, but stay with me.

Imagine meeting someone who won’t stop trying to hand you their business card. Like over and over. It’s all they do. You’d be pretty put off of them, right? That’s what social media can feel like if you’re ONLY using it as a tool to promote services at your practice.

Instead, think of social media as a space to build relationships. Not just a billboard. Yes, you’ll share your services, but the core of your strategy should be about creating a welcoming, genuine presence that people can connect with!

To do that, we recommend cycling through 3 - 5 content categories that blend your professional insights with personal touches — think behind-the-scenes action, community involvement, sharing patient stories, etc.

And when you do promote your services, make it engaging! Reaction-type content or stitching other videos can be really effective. Like when Emma Chamberlain mentioned her receding gums from using Zyn pouches on TikTok, that’s a golden opportunity to jump in and educate your audience about the risks and how you’d treat it!

Learning how to market your dental practice on social media is a smart way to promote your expertise in an engaging and informative way. Check out some more actionable tips on how to make social media work for you.

Facebook Groups: How Do You Plan Your Social Media Content?

My favorite method for planning is pretty old school, but it’s tried and true!

I literally hand-draw a calendar on a piece of notebook paper and start by mapping out how many weeks I’m planning for.

Then I mark any relevant national days or events that make sense for your practice. I also make sure to note any community events, CE courses, conferences, birthdays, or team activities that could be interesting to highlight! From there, cycle through those good ol’ content categories we spoke about earlier and you’re sure to have a strong social schedule.

Once you have a visual plan in front of you, you’ll feel way more in control. Plus, it leaves room for spontaneity so if you want to jump on a trend or share a fun meme, you can do that without feeling pressured!

There’s also tools out there to help you plan and organize your content like Hootsuite, Airtable, Sprout Social, and even ChatGPT. Whether you prefer old-school planning methods or tools like Hootsuite, social media marketing for dentists requires a consistent approach to effectively engage with your audience.

It’s honestly alarming how often Facebook accounts get hacked these days! It’ll be okay, though!

First, you’ll want to head on over to the Facebook Business Page Help Center where you can explain your situation. You’ll have to provide documentation like tax filings, utility bills, and anything else that clearly shows your connection to the Page that got hacked.

They also might require you to verify your identity by submitting your ID (or videos of yourself). Once that’s done and everything checks out, you should ideally regain admin access to your page!

Now, if this happens on Instagram and you still have access to your Facebook page, sign up for Meta Verified. It costs about $15, but it grants you access to dedicated support, where you can actually speak to someone on the phone to resolve the issue!

Wow — what a wild ride around the web it’s been!

That sure was fun, but I’m hanging up my undercover hat for the day. 🕵️ If you’ve got any lingering social media related questions for me or simply need some help in that department — have no fear, 8E8 is here!

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