Shattering Social Media Excuses for Dental Startups
Shattering Social Media Excuses for Dental Startups

Shattering Social Media Excuses for Dental Startups

Social media is a beast, I get it. With social platforms changing so rapidly, you don’t know where to show up, in what way, or how often.

The good news? You’re not alone. Everyone starts with 0 followers, spends two hours making their first 15-second TikTok, doesn’t know how to "go live" on Facebook, and feels like they’re trying to decide whether or not to sit down at the “cool kid” table when they make their first few LinkedIn connections. And on day one, every single human feels like they have nothing to share.

But you just start moving.
And it gets better. Pretty quickly, actually.

Social media is the first impression you’ll make on your patients, but in the startup phase, it’s also how your community is gauging if they should trust you. But in order to make that great first impression, you’ve gotta show up. 

So, let’s make this short and sweet, shall we? You’re probably not posting on social media for one of three reasons:

  1. I feel overwhelmed.
  2. I don’t have the time.
  3. I don’t know what to say.

“I feel overwhelmed”

Yup. Normal. Social media is a lot. It’s a lot of content and comparison that we’re absorbing all day. Why bother trying to keep up, right? Wrong. Social media is a free, organic way to advertise your new practice simply by bringing people along in the process with you, and you’re going to take advantage of it. But you’re going to need to focus your efforts and get strategic.
PRO TIP: Choose 1-2 platforms to focus your efforts on (based on where your best patients are hanging out and where you’ll most enjoy creating content). Pick ‘em and reserve your handles or names.

“I don’t have the time”

I won’t lecture you with “if you have time for Netflix, you have time for this” because you made it through a whole lot of school, training, and general life experience, so I know you’re capable. It’s more about knowing how to optimize the time you do have. Once you’ve chosen the platforms you’re going to focus on, you’re going to spring clean ‘em up, because once you start creating content (and therefore traction), the consistent appearance and messaging across the board will take the heavy lifting off of you. The best hack for optimizing time is time-blocking.

PRO TIP: Time-block 2 hours every week to create content in a space or place that inspires you and where you’ll be able to focus. We’ll get to what that content is in the next section.

“I don’t know what to say”

Ohhhh, buddy. Don’t even get me started. You went through how many years of school? You’ve been alive how long? You’re starting a business? You’re following your dream? You. Have. Something. To. Say. This is the space you get to choose who you want to be and how you’re going to show up, which will ultimately become part of your brand (and if you need help creating your brand, we’ve got you covered there, too). There are four main types of content you can create as a startup: inspirational, educational, entertaining, and behind-the-scenes. 

PRO TIP: Choose several well-rounded categories that you want to post about, then rotate through the content types consistently (ideally 3-5 posts per week). Check out the sample content calendar for a few specific ideas.

“Well that’s great, but what if I still feel stuck?” Fret no more, I’ve created a sample content calendar for you to post 4 times per week for an entire month to get the hang of this “on the line” life. 

No more excuses.
Show up and share what you’ve got.

Grab it below and if you’re still needing help with social media or building your brand as a startup, we’ve got a whole team ready to jump in and help you get off to the best possible start. Up, you go, now. (See what I did there?).

30-Day Social Media Content Calendar for Startups

Time to drop the excuses, here is a month's worth of ideas for content, captions, and calls-to-action tailored to the startup journey.

🎉Awesome! Click below to download the resource.
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