Dental Websites

Photo of Dental Marketing expert Joshua Scott writing on a whiteboard
Building a People-First Website

Building a People-First Website

When you don't put the user first, it's possible for your website to lose its spark and human touch. It's time to aim for websites that win hearts, not just search rankings!

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10 Things Your Dental Website Can’t Live Without

10 Things Your Dental Website Can’t Live Without

Studio 8E8 explores the essential needs of every dental practice's website.

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MAKING IT POP: The Dental Website Process

MAKING IT POP: The Dental Website Process

The phrase “Make it pop” is any creative’s Achilles heel*, and we’ve all heard it at some point. “I really like it… but can you make it pop?” That moment is like a pop quiz (pun a thousand percent intended) for any account strategist.

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The 20 Best Dental Websites of 2022

The 20 Best Dental Websites of 2022

Now that 2022 has come to a close let's take a look back at some of the amazing websites our talented team has created.

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5 Reasons Dental Websites Fail

5 Reasons Dental Websites Fail

Not all dental websites are created equally. Spotting their differences may be as simple as landing on the homepage; you know a good dental website when you see one, and likely, you’re more inclined to trust the practice and the doctor if you see a website you like versus one you don’t. While good design is important all on its own, oftentimes, however, the most crucial differences between a dental website that “fails” and a dental website that “succeeds” are hidden behind the scenes. Meaning, what has been set (or not set) in the foundation of the site, the story that supports the brand, and the strategy for additional marketing efforts. 

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Winning The Patient Dating Game

Winning The Patient Dating Game

Connecting with potential patients through a website is much like getting a first date. You put on your best smile, communicate your interest, share what makes you different and worth the risk, create the hope of a memorable experience, and close the deal. But before we make the big ask, we need to understand the game.

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The 20 Best Dental Websites of 2023

The 20 Best Dental Websites of 2023

With 2023 all wrapped up, let's take a look back at some of the amazing websites our talented team has created.

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Good Design Means Good Business

Good Design Means Good Business

The lights shone brightly in the stadium. The excitement was as palpable as the mist of early dusk. The stage was set, the combatants ready. It was time to witness the battle of the ages. In the left corner, Science, armed with facts and logic. In the right, Art, whose beauty has moved the strongest men to tears. Only one may emerge victorious ...or so we thought.

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The Power of a Content Refresh

The Power of a Content Refresh

You’ve heard us say it a hundred times, but we stand behind the statement stronger each time. Your story is worth it. It’s worth sharing in words and more than that, worth sharing through visuals that accurately represent the heart behind your business. 90% of the information processed by the brain is visual, so let’s take advantage. 

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it's worth discovering what makes your mission special. it's worth telling through beautifully captivating words and images. It's worth sharing with the world.

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