Social Media for Dentists

Photo of Dental Marketing expert Joshua Scott writing on a whiteboard
Going Undercover

Going Undercover

Going Undercover

Struggling to make social media work for your dental practice? Get expert insights from our team into effective social media marketing for dentists.

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A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media for Dentists

A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media for Dentists

A Beginner’s Guide to Social Media for Dentists

A step-by-step guide on social media for dentists and how to get started to get consistent results

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Shattering Social Media Excuses for Dental Startups

Shattering Social Media Excuses for Dental Startups

Shattering Social Media Excuses for Dental Startups

Social media is a beast, I get it. With social platforms changing so rapidly, you don’t know where to show up, in what way, or how often. The good news? You’re not alone. Everyone starts with 0 followers, spends two hours making their first 15-second TikTok, doesn’t know how to "go live" on Facebook, and feels like they’re trying to decide whether or not to sit down at the “cool kid” table when they make their first few LinkedIn connections. And on day one, every single human feels like they have nothing to share.

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The Power of a Content Refresh

The Power of a Content Refresh

The Power of a Content Refresh

You’ve heard us say it a hundred times, but we stand behind the statement stronger each time. Your story is worth it. It’s worth sharing in words and more than that, worth sharing through visuals that accurately represent the heart behind your business. 90% of the information processed by the brain is visual, so let’s take advantage. 

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Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring Cleaning Checklist

Spring Cleaning Checklist

Since you’ve got the time (well if you don’t have tiny children crawling up your leg every few seconds), here is a great resource for you to walk through when thinking through social media strategy. Come out on the other side of what’s happening ready to “re-open” as if for the first time. Use these weeks to be present, be engaged, and position yourself as a leader in your space. Just walk through and check ‘em off, Instagram itself will pat you on the back.

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Spring Clean Your Social Media

Spring Clean Your Social Media

Spring Clean Your Social Media

Your social media profiles - in 2020 more than ever - are often the first impression of potential clients, patients, partnerships, relationships (hello, you), or employment. It serves as a personal recommendation or background check and it’s time to get the world wide web on your side. Here are 6 steps you can take in the next week to give your social media a facelift that will have heads turning.

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Social Difference

Social Difference

Social Difference

“Why is Social Media a must-have?” “Who follows their dentist on Instagram?” “What do dental practices even post about?”

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